When: November 7, 2024 10:30 am -11:30 am
Where: Virtual - Google Meet
The State Management Team invites potential applicants to the Whole Watershed Program to participate in a one-hour webinar on November 7, 2024 from 10:30-11:30am. This webinar is for Whole Watershed applicants to learn more about the program, ask questions and connect with other project partners. The webinar will be recorded and following the live viewing will be posted for the public.
The Whole Watershed Act and Fund (SB 969/HB 1165) establishes a highly collaborative, science-based approach to watershed restoration across the state promoting innovative, science-based solutions to waterway restoration efforts. The legislation will utilize existing state funds to create a new Whole Watershed Fund supporting a five-year pilot program targeting five Maryland watersheds that best represent the state’s diverse land uses, geographies, and impairments.
A direct response to the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee’s Comprehensive Evaluation of System Response (CESR) report, the pilot projects will address multiple restoration and conservation benefits, including water quality, increased public access, wildlife habitat, fisheries improvement, environmental justice and climate resiliency. Selected projects will be overseen by a State Management Team, made up of agency experts, to help find efficiencies in project permitting and funding, and to measure project results.
The webinar will provide answers to frequently asked questions with additional time to ask additional questions and connect with project partners. Please direct any application or program questions to: wholewatershed.dnr@maryland.gov